Revitalization of Historical Neighborhoods by Employing Gentrification Strategy

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant professor of urbanism ,Young Researchers and Elite Club, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran


Over the last few decades, the historical neighborhoods have lost their vitality and have been transformed into inappropriate residential areas. After the unsuccessful experience of ill-considered interventions at high costs, new paradigms including social sustainability have been introduced to make meaningful changes in previous plans. Since environmental quality degradation in historical contexts is a complex urban problem, the current situation cannot be improved merely through physical methods. This paper aims to develop an effective strategy to restore the social and physical vitality in historical neighborhoods. Assuming gentrification as an appropriate strategy for social promotion with physical consequences, this paper seeks to answer if historical neighborhoods in Shiraz qualify for gentrification, and, if yes, what would be its consequences and the factors that can expedite the process. ­Building upon previous studies, qualitative and quantitative methods were employed to interview the residents in order to investigate the situation and determine requirements for renovation. Accordingly, a process is proposed for introducing changes. The results indicate that the gentrification cycle and dilapidated circumstances allow for the applicability of the process of gentrification in the case of historical neighborhoods in Shiraz due to their deteriorated conditions. Besides, it is economically justified to undertake to perform this process. In the end, this study proposes a procedure for gentrification in the historical neighborhoods in Shiraz and clarifies their stimuli. This process involves three stages: the first stage includes motivating residents to move out of neighborhoods and settling them in alternative places, alongside with specifying the required houses according to immigrant populations and contributing in transferring land to current residents; secondly, restoring and rehabilitating urban spaces, and undertaking stimulating development projects in the historical neighborhoods; and the third stage includes encouraging volunteers to participate in restoration and motivating them to settle in the neighborhood afterwards. This article also specifies the ways through which negative effects of the process can be minimized and its positive impacts can be maximized.


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