Guide for Authors

The approved cost of processing the article in the journal is 2500000 Rials. Authors must pay 1250000 Rials at the time of acceptance of the article and 1250000 Rials before the official publication of the article.

Payment should be made only through the electronic payment system of Yazd University to the address below:


Important points in submitting an article:

Authors' Obligations: All corresponding authors of accepted papers should fill and sign Copy writing and E-commitment forms, before publishing the papers.


Submission of Articles:

All types of original scientific articles, including research, promotion, and reviews, are accepted by the journal of Architecture in Hot and Dry Climate based on the fallowing principals:

Journal is ready to accept electronic manuscript of papers through journal's website

- Articles should be results of author(s) research works (Research Articles).

- Papers in form of translation, reports, notes and review articles are not accepted and won't be submitted.

- Articles submitted to this journal should not have been previously published or under publication in another journal.

- Articles should be prepared in the Persian language and follow the writing principles of this language; authors must correct typing errors and misspellings before submitting articles to the journal.

- The author(s) are responsible for the content of their articles.

- The journal's editorial board has the right to reject or revise articles.

- The articles will be accepted for publication after the referee’s confirmation as well as the Editorial Boards approval.

- The article must be written in Farsi and adhere to the language's rules and traditions.

- The journal uses scientific referees' judgments as a criterion for classifying an article.

- The received article won't be sent back.

- After receiving the reviewers’ comments, the editorial board makes the final decision regarding whether or not to publish an article.

- It is against the law to use any of the articles from this bimonthly publication in other publications or books without citing the original works.

- If an article does not meet these requirements, it will be taken off the list of items for review before being sent to the reviewers and editorial board.

- Please indicate at the time of submitting the article that the article is derived from a research project or thesis (master's or doctorate), doctoral theses will be prioritized.


  Preparation of articles:

-          Articles should be approximately 9000 words and 15 pages, including all sections of the article.

-          Articles must be submitted to journal's website in A4 size, WORD format.

Authors' guide:

  Authors must submit their articles in two files: 1- Authors description file 2- Article's original file and submit them through Journal's website.

   Authors description file must include the following:

-          Article's full title, Author(s) full name; academic title, academic faculty and University or research center’s name (for faculty members), student or graduate, grade, study field, name of the University where author(s)' got their last academic degree (for students and graduates). Mentioned information must be presented in Persian and English.

- (Note: the author(s) name must not be repeated in other pages such as Abstract, Introduction, Body, etc.).

-          E-mail address, Postal address and Author(s) phone number

-          In case there are two or more authors; responding author must be specified.

* Notice in case author(s) are in a tuition position, title of professor must not be mentioned and only study condition must be mentioned: student or graduate and last academic degree must be mentioned.

(In case the article is based or extracted from a research project or dissertation; research project or dissertation's name must be written in first page.)


Important points in article original file:

- The Latin equivalent of names and explanations of specialized or obscure terms should be mentioned as footnotes at the end of the text.

- In-text references should be set according to APA method.

- Formulas, tables and figures should not be photos.

- It is necessary if there is a sponsor or credit provider of the research to conduct the research, the authors should thank the funders and facilities and other persons who helped in the research in the acknowledgments section.


Important points that authors should adjust and resubmit after accepting the article:

Dear authors, after the initial acceptance of the article, it is necessary to prepare an extended English abstract according to the template. Also, the sources at the end of the article should all be in English. Therefore, Persian sources should be translated into English.

- APA version 6 Style should be used for English referencing, otherwise, the article will be removed from the judging stage and returned.

- Insertion of DOI identifier (if any) is required at the end of each reference.

- Dear authors, due to the mandatory publication of the code (ORCID) for publications by the ministry, please complete the code field (ORCID) for all authors or at least for the main author in the article submission section and then submit your article.



Required files for uploading in Journal of Architecture in Hot and Dry Climate:

Click here for the current Authors Guidelines. If the submitted article is not in the journal format, it will not be sent to the referee.
Click here for the template author affiliation page.
Click here for the current manuscript template.