Space-time-based assessment of architectural heritage conservation

Document Type : Research Article


Faculty member of Yazd university, Yazd. Iran


Historical architecture is a space-time continuum that was formed in the interaction of man and space in time and defined its distinction and continuity. The values related to the space and time dimensions of this continuum have led to the formation of the concept and its protection in interaction with the concept of development and change. The process of protection and development should lead to the continuity of this space-time continuum and its values. Based on this, the following article with the main purpose of expressing the mentality and actuality of the preservation and development of historical architecture in relation to the defining elements of architecture: space and time, to the main question "has the process of preservation and development of historical architecture been able to maintain its space-time continuity in Will time continue?", answers with a qualitative approach and a logical reasoning method and a library method. The findings show that in the historical course of conservation and development, space has been considered objectively and time linearly and objectively, and based on this, two general perspectives on the space-time continuum have been formed: one, the separation of time from space during time and the product of the past time of the space-time continuum, and the other, the separation of the past time from the space during time and the product of the present and the future of the space-time continuum. In the second perspective, space-time continuums are reproduced as many conservation and development processes. As a result, due to the dominance of the linear and objective view on "time" in both views, the space-time continuum does not continue in time.


Main Subjects

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