efect of Naeen Aqueduct in Mill Damages tanureh

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor in Preservation and Restoration of Historical Buildings. Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Mills as heritage of antecedents’ knowledge represent suitable exploitation from climate and environmental situations. These structures are combination of various knowledge and skills in fields of architecture, construction, water engineering, mechanical engineering and mine engineering. Regarding the fact that Naeen is located in low-water area and also lacks running river, aqueducts are regarded as the sole source of water supply. Beside to using aqueducts in agriculture, through designing and building mills, water energy is used to move mill stone and flour productions. Defining place of these buildings are among keshtkhanha or beside residential areas. Also these elements of Iranian architecture in the past has had vital effect on the people life, but today due to some factors as drought or decreasing aqueducts water level and also not being cost-saving, appearing diesel motors to make wheat flour and etc. in recent years, they got obsolete and changed to abandoned and not-functional buildings. Architectural spaces, water entrance and exit channel and eddy, mechanical system elements (turbine, wings and and …) are three elements but at the same time, are complimenting each other in the mill. Although all mills have the same function but have different appearances and every mill has its own form, volume and proportions. Present study through descriptive-analytical and evaluative method based on field and library study, at first Naeen mills are surveyed and discussed and then their typology is analyzed. It is important to say that used maps are the result of field study of authors and they are presented for the first time. Results of study demonstrate Naeen mills based on architecture and location can be categorized in two three types: on the ground, underground and on the clay wall.


Main Subjects

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