One of the most important indigenous structures in Iran, which is directly related to the agricultural economy, is the so-called pigeon house. Isfahan province is one of the regions that has played an important role in the background and construction of pigeon houses in the local history of Iran. Since Gavart pigeon houses have not been carefully studied historically and archaeologically, the present study tries to clarify the importance of these buildings in this cultural area in terms of political, economic and geographical relations. The method used, in addition to studying historical sources, is archeological field activity. In order to achieve the mentioned goals, Mirza Ahmad Pigeon House has been studied as the main pigeon house. The results show that this pigeon house is related to the Safavid period according to the surviving documents, which was also used in the Qajar period. This building has two floors and its plan is cylindrical and made of clay. Like other pigeon houses in other parts of Iran, the main purpose of building these pigeon houses was to produce fertilizer to strengthen agricultural lands, but industrial uses, pest eradication and even the possibility of temperature and rainfall changes should be considered. The architecture and structure of this building have a relatively single pattern and seem very simple in appearance, but the advanced engineering in their construction shows the taste, art and engineering knowledge of Iranian architects.This building has two floors and its plan is cylindrical and made of clay. Like other pigeon houses in other parts of Iran, the main purpose of building these pigeon houses was to produce fertilizer to strengthen agricultural lands, but industrial uses, pest eradication and even the possibility of temperature and rainfall changes should be considered. The architecture and structure of this building have a relatively single pattern and seem very simple in appearance, but the advanced engineering in their construction shows the taste, art and engineering knowledge of Iranian architects.
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(Innovation in increasing agricultural production). Journal of Architecture in Hot and Dry Climate, 10(15), 159-178. doi: 10.22034/ahdc.2022.17834.1631
Hassan Akbari. "Investigation of the architectural structure of Mirza Ahmad Gavart Pigeon House.
(Innovation in increasing agricultural production)", Journal of Architecture in Hot and Dry Climate, 10, 15, 2022, 159-178. doi: 10.22034/ahdc.2022.17834.1631
Akbari, H. (2022). 'Investigation of the architectural structure of Mirza Ahmad Gavart Pigeon House.
(Innovation in increasing agricultural production)', Journal of Architecture in Hot and Dry Climate, 10(15), pp. 159-178. doi: 10.22034/ahdc.2022.17834.1631
Akbari, H. Investigation of the architectural structure of Mirza Ahmad Gavart Pigeon House.
(Innovation in increasing agricultural production). Journal of Architecture in Hot and Dry Climate, 2022; 10(15): 159-178. doi: 10.22034/ahdc.2022.17834.1631