Evaluating the Sociability of “Ellieen Yard” in the Yazd University's Art and Architecture School after Applying its Retractable Wooden Cover

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Graguated at MA, School of Art and Architecture, Yazd University,, Yazd. Iran


Regarding the environmental attributes, this paper compares the sociability of the "Ellieen yard" in Yazd University's Art and Architecture School after applying its moveable wooden cover to the pre-cover mode. In addition to the library study, the user's feedback (students: n = 25 and professors: n = 13) on their lived experiences were presented using techniques such as open-closed and visual questionaries. In addition, the field study continued to learn about physical and non-physical aspects by employing collaborative observation, taking photos, and making notes on indicators and evidence for the sociability of the yard. According to the study, there are seven kinds of elements that address sociability, which is divided into three levels: visual, mental, and visual-mental. The case study findings recount the yard after it has been covered by the retractable cover, varying some of the seven factors examined. Initially, the presence of the cover aided in the evolution of the yard's collective role. At the second level, its position has occasionally been modified to that of a destination. The seventh aspect, termed "emotional," is unique to "Ellieen Yard" and addresses users' attachments, particularly students. Based on the associated data that led to this, we may describe the function of a range of narrations that are the product of prior lived experiences shared by numerous generations of students. One of these narrations is about the process of making the yard cover. Such a lived narration indicates a positive correlation between the sociability of the yard and the participation of students in promoting the academic open space (direct or indirect) to provide more favorable conditions for a more effective presence in the space.


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