Analysis of the Impact of Culture on Baluch Housing through the Semiosphere of Iurii Lotman

Document Type : Research Article


Ph.D in Restoration of Historic Monuments & Sites. Art University of Isfahan. Iran


The detachment from the country's political center and the geographical conditions of Baluchistan have caused the indigenous housing of the Balochs to maintain a stable pattern that was related to the culture of this people for many years, and continue its balanced life with small changes. Though the effect of the livelihood and economic system and variables such as the dry and harsh nature of Baluchistan cannot be ignored on the mood and habits and behavior of Balochs as well as the way their houses are built, what has shaped the spatial structure of the region's indigenous houses more deeply is the very strong connection between the culture and the texture of the Baloch tribes. On the one hand in close and intertwined relations with the characteristics based on the tribal texture of these people and on the other hand, according to systemic rules within the permanent architecture of indigenous housing, The Baloch house has been always emerged as a representation of the culture of the Baloch people. Nonetheless in recent years, the distorted conditions dominant in the architecture and urban planning of the country have upset its balance and created some discrepancies. Perceptibly, the continuance of this process will further damage the identity of the native architecture of the Baluchistan region. The current study aims to find the signs that the indigenous housing of the Balochs in its connections with what is happening in and around the Baloch culture, and for this purpose uses semiosphere as a tool to analyze the mechanism of the symbolic function of culture. For this purpose, culture is considered as a system that can be inspected from two aspects: first, the external expressions of culture that have become objective as signs of that culture in the native Baloch housing; Second, cultural commonalities as content elements or inner layers of Baloch culture that live in a semiosphere and have become the norm through repetition and acceptance, directing their different levels of life and passed down from generation to generation, and has shaped their collective memory. Semiosphere in this study has a dual function, both as a super-concept and a holistic method in the analysis of the native housing of the Baloch and considers the native Baloch housing as a space in which all forms of communication occur, and analyzes it in the semiosphere context. The result is that the spatial structure of the native house of the Balochs is very strongly connected with their ethnic / tribal culture and social structure, which is based on the kinship system, class system and nomadic traditions of this people without the intervention of architects. Biology is people who have lived in a semiosphere and found the best answers to their problems. By finding the cultural signs of the native Baloch housing and their modernization in new constructions, it is possible to make life in this type of housing and preserve its identity, which is built on the collective memory of this people.


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