Achieving a housing construction pattern and density commensurate with the water conservation approach in comparison to two climates, low rainfall, and high rainfall

Document Type : Research Article


1 Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.


Due to the shortage of drinking water and also the increase in demand for water resources due to population growth, many cities in Iran face difficulties in the water supply. Water conservation strategies that include water accumulation, Water regeneration, water management, and water storage for drinking and non-drinking purposes are practical ways to reduce the growing water supply crisis for citizens. Therefore, the construction model of housing and density must be such that it is also optimal in terms of water protection. In this article, samples were selected based on the proposed housing construction models of Yazd master plan with low rainfall climate and then two samples in Sari and Gorgan cities as rainfall areas and quantitatively, the amount of rainwater storage And gray water reduction was calculated. The results of the evaluations show that in a city like Yazd, the demand for water decreases by about 57% and in rainy cities by about 70%. . In cities with adequate rainfall due to the cost of water reclamation, the water conservation approach can be reached by emphasizing the rainwater collection strategy (for example, in Gorgan 13.12% and in Sari 15.61% of the annual water needs of residents from rainfall can be provided Is ). However, in Yazd, where the volume of rainwater is not significant (Less than one percent consumption), the water reclamation strategy is more effective, so the water protection approach is to reduce the costs of rehabilitation, increase the number of people per hectare and create more building density. An appropriate model for housing construction Creating water storage use in housing design (changing the composition of housing spaces), creating right-angled houses to create more density, integrated and centralized housing plans, and reforming the policies of comprehensive urban plans in Yazd that reduce The density increased from 127 people per hectare in 1335 to 32.8 people per hectare in 2016. A suitable model for housing construction and density in the cities of Gorgan and Sari, unlike the city of Yazd, is the design of decentralized settlements and the reduction of the relative density of population and people per hectare, and the increase of land per capita.


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