Allegorical Analysis of the Safavid Government House in the Climate of Isfahan

Document Type : Research Article


1 PhD student in architecture, Faculty of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Associate professor of architecture, Faculty of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, Iran

3 Associate professor of French language and literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran. Iran


The relationship between Safavid architecture, especially Safavid Government House, and the climate of this city in Isfahan is based on allegory and the icons of this Government House are based on the climate of this region. From this point of view, the architecture of the government house establishes a close relationship with the climate of the region, but the manifestation of climatic arrangements in this architecture is not only based on the material aspect, but also its form refers to something beyond it.Thus, the purpose of this article was to explain the relationship between climate of this region and Architecture of Safavid Government House, And the method of Cruiser allegorical mythology was chosen as the research method because it is one of the most appropriate research methods for discovering the idea or fundamental meaning of any allegorical work. It should be noted that the use of new methods in dealing with the history of Iranian architecture seems to be necessary because although Iranian architecture has been described many times in various ways, but, the gap of methodological and systematic analysis still can be seen and every new perspective at each of the historical structures of Iranian architecture reveals a new aspect of that structure and can be effective in understanding these buildings. Thus, this article, which was intended to reveal a new aspect of the relationship between the Safavid Government House and the climate of this city, used allegorical mythology to move from the climatic elements of the Safavid Government House to its meaning, and by Explaining this relationship reached its hidden meaning, and finally came to the conclusion that the driving force behind the formation of the icons of this architecture is the climate, and the influence of these forces has been such that it has acquired a symbolic aspect among these peoples, forming a metaphysical attitude towards these forces, as much as in this way narratives are formed and appeared in their architectural icons.


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