The examination of Sustainable patterns in the architecture of Mehriz traditional houses

Document Type : Research Article


Master of Architecture, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


In order to create a stable environment and better life, Iranian traditional architecture in desert region has achieved some principles and methods in order not to destroy the environment but be compatible with nature.
Examination of the desert architecture and physical design features, materials and construction methods shows that this kind of architecture, in addition to use the environmental potential, also prevente pollution and environmental degradation and is a clear example of sustainable architecture.
Mehriz is the county of Yazd in Iran and a desert city. Because of existing qanat's water, there are beautiful home gardens in it, so these kinds of houses have different properties that provide comfort conditions for users. These buildings are stable after years and have been responder of environmental, cultural and economical needs in best ways, and so the principles of them can be the principles of sustainable architecture.
This paper aim to understand the repeatable values ​​and principles in the architecture of  traditional houses as an example of sustainable architecture. With understanding these values, we can achieve to kinds of architecture that respond to users' needs.
Research Methodology in this article is based on Library studies and field research. To achieve the projects goals, some traditional houses in Mehriz (that were for Qajar and Pahlavi period) were selected and repeatable values examined in them. They were examined with regard to three features: environmental, cultural, and economical design. At the end of the article, the principles that are repeatable for temporary architecture are presented


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