Evaluating the sensitivity of architectural parameters for thermal performance and energy consumption of high-rise buildings in different climates

Document Type : Research Article


1 Assistant professor, Department of Building Science, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Master of science, Architecture and Energy, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 dAssociate professor Department of Building Science, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Rapid population growth and lack of enough urban land increase the need for high-rise buildings. Due to high energy consumption of highrise buildings establishing energy saving measures is crucial. This paper aims to explore multiple factors that influence energy demand and thermal comfort in high-rise buildings. In this regard the impact of architectural parameters including building form, orientation, and window wall ratio on highrise building’s energy demand and thermal comfort is investigated in three different climate context(Tehran, Bandar Abbas, and Tabriz) by parametric analysis and optimization methods. Moreover the impact of urban density on results are assessed. The results show that the rectangular form with a south orientation with a 40% window to wall ratio in both Tehran and Tabriz is acceptable in the parametric method. On the other hand, in Bandar Abbas, high urban density is ideal in both the energy and comfort sectors, while Tehran and Tabriz need a low urban density context. Architectural parameters including window to wall ratio(WWR), window characteristic, building form, with 15.4%, 9.9%, and 8.8% respectively, showed the highest sensitivity by the parametric method in the energy demand assessments. However, the sensitivity index of architectural parameters on energy demand in Tehran, Bandar Abbas, and Tabriz are 16%, 6%, and 23%, respectively, based on the genetic algorithm. Based on results a higher sensitivity index of the genetic algorithm over the parametric approach is established with 9.4% and 23.3%, respectively, in the energy demand and thermal performance. On the other hand, the parametric method can establish a step-by-step process for the designer to evaluate each architectural variable's impact on thermal comfort and energy demand in the first stages of building design.


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