Perceptual performance of daylight; a systematic review of the role of daylight patterns on occupants’ perceptions in interior spaces

Document Type : Research Article


Assistant Professor of Architecture, faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


The perceptual performance of daylight is focused on the assessment of daylight at the eye level and its relation to the psychological (perception, emotional state) needs of the occupants, which influenced by architectural elements that shape the way daylight enters the space, such as multilayered façade and perforated walls. However, it seems that the designers do not have a clear and systematic understanding of the physiological and psychological effects of these patterns in interior spaces.
 through a structured review of previous research, this paper seeks to identify, quantify and predict the relationship between daylight distribution patterns linked to architectural elements that shape the way daylight enters the space (independent variable) and occupants perceptions (dependent variable) in daylit spaces.
The findings showed that Human experience can be represented with two dimensions, valence and arousal. To explore these two dimentions,   subjective evaluations based on self reports using questionnaires, objective evaluations based on physiological data   and observations based on physically based rendering (PBR) in virtual reality (VR) environment have been carried out.  the results show that the best image-based computational measures of contrast in predicting perceptual effects of daylight are modified spatial contrast indicator (mSC) and the size of images compressed in JPEG format and PNG-PERIM8 edge detection indicator (for evaluating the complexity of images).for the evaluation of perceptual effects of other visual stimuli, two-dimensional Fourier amplitude spectrum metric (FFT2) is used.
In conclusion, the findings of this research can be the basis of a wide range of experimental research on this topic in the future.


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