Contemporarization of traditional facade skins (lattice) in Iranian architecture for optimization of daylight and energy. Case study: Tehran office buildings

Document Type : Research Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran

2 Department of Architecture, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj


Traditional architecture of Iran is an exemplar of high-performance architecture which answers technical problems alongside conceptual and socio-cultural issues. For example, Shobak not only covers the building and has preserves privacy, but also has an important role in providing sufficient daylight and smart energy use for achieving optimum design. This research, with the goal of upgrading the quality and performance of the Shobak, by changing the dimensions and distribution of the apertures on it, examined the best possible mode of useful daylight and optimization of energy consumption. The research method used is descriptive-analytic and includes data analysis using Rhinoceros software, Grasshopper plugin, and ladybug and honeybee plugins for energy and daylighting simulation and finally optimization using genetic algorithms to analyze daylighting for an office building in Tehran. The results show that the opening’s form affects daylighting with combined geometries having the most effect; furthermore, changing openings distribution based on the optimum design leads to an increase in quantity and quality of daylighting and reduction in annual energy usage. Finally, the results can be used for the optimum use of this traditional element in contemporary architecture.


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