Comparing the architectural body of traditional Chahar-Soffeh and Hozkhaneh houses in the city of Zavareh

Document Type : Research Article


1 MA in Architecture, Architecture & Urban Design, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant professor in Conservation & Restoration, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant professor , Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

4 Mentor in Architecture, Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The architectural body is deemed as a field for classification of features of traditional houses in Zavareh. Studying Chahar Sofeh and Hozkhaneh house types reveals the physical similarities and differences in these two types of buildings. Studying the body of residential architecture in Zavareh enables us to identify the reasons for their persistence through time. In order to understand how and why these traditional Chahar Sofeh and Hozkhaneh houses are physically different despite their similarities, we employed comparative research method. The present study aims to analyze the reasons for these similarities and differences in the architectural body. This paper has been prepared, on the one hand, based on library studies and computation analysis including numerical proportions and also field studies. To achieve the intended goals and to select traditional Chahar Sofeh and Hozkhaneh houses in Zavareh, some criteria were specified in three areas of geometry, numerical proportions and changes in plan. Based on these criteria, respectively 26, 25 and 37 samples were chosen in such a way that they included various repetitive and common physical concepts. In the geometry area, analyses indicated a correlation between forms of access and spatial hierarchy and privacy in both building types. Forms of openings were also correlated with the type of space (private, public) and light/wind control. Regarding numerical proportions, the average ratio of the total built area to the central space area in the Chahar Sofeh type was almost twice the Hozkhaneh type. One reason for this difference is the fact that building elements have decreased in Hozkhaneh but remained intact in Chahar Sofeh. Also the ratio of the height of the central space to the height of the building wings was correlated with roofing type, span width, ventilation type, number of building wings, etc. regarding changes in plan, it was proved that additional spaces or modules were added or merged with the core layout, and during this geometric tranfomation in plan, Hozkhaneh type underwent less change compared to Chahar Sofeh type.


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