Rural Lightweight Architecture Patterns in Halil River Cultural District (Cavâr, Kotuk, Capar)

Document Type : Research Article


Department of Art & Architecture, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


In the process of searching and studying the different types of habitatation and rural settlements in the Halil River cultural district in Jiroft, Kerman province, lightweight structures are found that can be seen over a vast area with more or less different forms. These handmade and vernacular structures are rooted in nomadic culture or simple rural life, and for many years have answered the needs of the people in the region for residence and living. Over the years, these minimalist settlements have formed an important part of the mental schema of residence in these people's minds. Longevity, continuous presence and the position of these structures in the lives of residents has made them more than just a mere structure, becoming an outstanding example of a techno-culture and an inseparable part of the pattern of habitation for the villagers living on the banks of Halil river. therefore, this situation necessitates the recognition and introduction of these rural habitation patterns, especially in a time that the plans for the organization of settlements along Halil river are neglected.
Among the most prominent lightweight structures that can be found abundantly in the area mentioned are Cavâr, Kotuk, Capar. Based on contextual and descriptive-analytical research methods and comparative study of the information gathered from field observations and surveys, this study intends to examine these three structures and explain their evolution in different areas and the characteristics, similarities and differences, the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Certainly, the results can help rural designers and authorities in the design of rural housing, consistent with existing indigenous patterns.


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