Explanation of stylistics pattern in islamic art and architecture (looking at traditionalist' views)

Document Type : Research Article


1 Faculty of art and architecture, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of art and architecture, Tarbiat modarres university, Tehran, Iran

3 Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


In the history of art and architecture, there are various ways of classifying works to understanding them better. Occasionally they divide art events into different styles, sometimes into periods, schools, and movements. Each of these methods has its benefits and forms part of our understanding of the truth of architectural history. Style in the most general sense is the distinctive or distinctive patterns or attributes of a work or works that are entirely dependent on the work of art, and stylistics is a method of classifying works into a given context based on their similarities. The emerging fields of artistic work that lead to the formation of different styles are, in the traditionalist views, often the social and cultural context of the periods in different regions, within the framework of a tradition that is a collection of current facts and principles from a divine source. Given the fundamental differences between Islamic architecture as a part of traditional architecture and other types of architecture, its particular methodological style should be identified. The research is based on a fundamental goal and essence and the research method is content analysis, which, with an analytical-comparative view of traditionalists' views on style and stylistics, seeks to explain a model for Islamic architectural stylistics. A common feature of all Islamic architecture is the transcendental and extraterrestrial of its principles and content, but these principles, given the subjective experience of the period, when experiencing different historical periods or appearing in different geographical areas, depending on the subjective experience of past historical periods or the architectural and technical proficiency of those areas, they find their own form. Thus, the two variables of history and geography in different architectural applications as independent variables, are obtained the formal features and hence the recognition of the style of the works, from the shape data processing and the analysis of the effects of these two variables on the types of uses of Islamic architecture works can be possible. Now, historical stylistics based on the study and analysis of different types of architectural applications in different climates, in different historical periods, as well as geographical stylistics based on the analysis of different types of architectural applications in historical periods, occurs in various climatic and geographic regions. In fact, the common features of historical styles, geographical styles, and types of works styles reflect the stylistic characteristic of Islamic architecture and the differences in different historical, geographical and typical styles create the Islamic architecture stylistics based on history, geography and genre.


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